Kaufberatung für Shishas - im Aladin Shisha Shop
Brauchst Du Hilfe beim kauf Deiner Shisha?
Beantworte die Fragen alle step-by-step und finde so die richtige Shisha für Dich. Du kannst zwischen den verschiedene Verschlussarten, dem unterschiedlichen Materialien und viele weiteren Eigenschaften wie beispielsweise der Größe oder Farbe auswählen, sodass Du nach Beantwortung aller Fragen eine Shisha vorgeschlagen bekommst, die Deinen genauen Vorstellungen entspricht.
Solltest Du dennoch keine passende Shisha gefunden haben, berät Dich gerne unser motiviertes und qualifiziertes Team und hilft Dir eine für Dich geeignete Wasserpfeife zu finden. Du erreichst uns über Mail, telefonisch als auch über unsere Social Media Kanäle wie Instagram oder Facebook. Wir freuen uns von Dir zu hören.
Hookah buying advice
You want to buy a hookah and do not know exactly which one suits you and your ideas? Then you are right here, because in our large assortment everyone finds what he is looking for. Our selection wizard will help you to find your dream model. Maybe you are looking for a hookah that you can comfortably take outside or maybe you need a hookah with many features such as a closed-chamber system. Simply answer the questions about your preferences and buy your shisha after pre-selection.
Benefit not only from the versatile selection, but also from many additional advantages. Free delivery from a purchase value of 49 euros is just one of them. Shipping is lightning fast and secure. Furthermore, you save time with your hookah purchase, because you no longer have to rummage through all our categories until you find the right hookah.
Trust our many years of experience and find your new hookah with just a few clicks and have it delivered directly to your home.
We hope that this will make it a little easier for you to find a suitable shisha among the numerous models in the most diverse designs. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service and let us advise you competently.